55-660 |
First flight XB-58A white/bare metal paint scheme. Original textures by Frank Safranek. Repainted by Randy Brewer. To recreate the first flight, be sure to drop the pod prior to take off and do not use afterburners for greatest historical accuracy. See the first flight article under the War Stories menu above for details. |
texture.55-660-OldGrandpappy.zip |
55-664 |
YB-58A with bare metal nose, red tail, red wingtips and omitted markings as it existed in some early photographs. Original textures by Frank Safranek. Texture substitutions by Randy Brewer. |
texture.55-664-barenose.zip |
55-664 |
YB-58A red/white/bare metal prototype scheme. Repainted by Frank Safranek. Modified using files from Frank Safranek's repaint of 55-661 to correct nose paint. Texture substitutions by Randy Brewer. |
texture.55-664.zip |
60-1111 |
"Four Aces" B-58A bare metal finish with old style 43rd Bomb Wing insignia repainted for Alex Brewer as he sometimes flew in this aircraft. For version 1.1 use. Original textures by Frank Safranek. Repainted by Randy Brewer. |
texture.60-1111-43rd.zip |
60-1111 |
"Four Aces" B-58A bare metal finish repainted for Alex Brewer. Missing bomb wing insignia shield not yet replaced with one from the 43rd BW during transition as indicated in some photographs. For version 1.1 use. Repainted by Frank Safranek. Redistribution with permission. |
texture.60-1111-transition.zip |